Dear Colleagues,
These are the deadlines, information, and announcements for the week of 22nd – 26th April 2024
Wednesday 1st May
A link to the Nurturing Skills Learner Fund will be available.
Tuesday 7th May 2024
The application process for Access and Inclusion Model (AIM) targeted supports will open.
Friday 26th June 2024
Deadline for submission of Core Funding Financial Reporting

Pilot Nurturing Skills Learner Fund (NSLF)
The new Nurturing Skills Learner Fund (NSLF) pilot, launched by Minister O Gorman in December last year, will open for Early Years Educators to make applications in May 2024, for the academic year 2024/2025. Those wishing to make an application in May must be working with children in a Tusla registered ELC/SAC service for the last 6 months (before their application). The service must also have a current Core funding contract with the DCEDIY.
From 1st May 2024, applicants with a current application/offer for 2024/25 entry to a Level 7/8 degree course approved by the Qualification Advisory Board (QAB) eligible for NSLF should email Pobal, at NSLF@pobal.ie to request a link to the Nurturing Skills Learner Fund Student Portal.
Further information, including the list of approved courses and the application process are available at gov – Nurturing Skills Learner Fund (www.gov.ie)

AIM Targeted Supports Application Process
The application process for AIM Level 5 (equipment, appliances and minor building alterations), AIM Level 4 (expert early years educational advice and support) and AIM Level 7 (additional assistance in the pre-school room) initial applications for the 2024/25 pre-school year will open on the Early Years Hive on Tuesday 7 May at 12 noon.
For a child who is remaining in the same service and requires a second year of AIM Level 7 support, an AIM Review & Confirm form will now be submitted instead of extension application.
Where any of the changes below are expected, a service provider must inform Pobal during the review and confirm the process:
- Changes to a child’s session(s) including moving to a different session and/or a reduction or increase in days.
- Changes to children availing of support in the same session (shared support) or another session within the service i.e. a child leaving the service or session.
- Changes in the adult to child ratio in a session.
- Changes in additional assistance awarded from other sources i.e. Enable Ireland, Home Tuition or attendance at a specialised pre-school.
Where any of the above changes occur throughout the year, after you have reviewed and confirmed, you must inform Pobal by submitting a review within 10 working days advising of the change(s) that have occurred, through the Early Years Hive. Certain changes may affect the child’s AIM Level 7 funding.
Services are reminded to submit AIM Level 4, 5 & 7 applications at least three months prior to a child’s planned start date on the ECCE Programme.

Core Funding Reporting Requirement Year 1
The Core Funding Reporting Requirement for year 1 consists of an Income and Expenditure report.The completed report will be submitted on a new portal which will open in two stages.
Stage 1 – Providers register to link their nominated accountant on or before the 29th of April 2024
Stage 2- The portal will be open on or before the 31st of May to accept completed Income and Expenditure report templates.
26th June 2024 is theIncome and Expenditure report submission deadline.
Further information is available on Hive> Resources> Programme Documents> Core Funding documents> Core Funding financial reporting requirement year 1.
26/04/2024 DCEDIY communication update
‘Dear Provider,
We wish to advise that you will be receiving an email over the next few days from the following email address: support@cfcrrs.ie
The email will contain a link that will take you directly to the registration portal where you will register and link your accountant. All Service Providers who were registered during Year 1 of the Core Funding Programme (between 14/09/2022 & 31/08/2023) will need to register on the Portal. This registration is to facilitate the submission of the completed Income and Expenditure Template by your accountant. All the instructions that you require will be provided in the email.’

Vacancy Survey
A nationwide vacant capacity survey is now taking place through the Childcare Committees. The survey is designed to gain valuable information on where there are vacant places and capacity across the country. The survey (which should take between 5 and 10 minutes of your time) aims to capture two categories of data:
1. Do you currently have any vacant places and in which age categories. (A vacant place means availability five days per week)
2. Are you currently operating at your Tusla registered capacity, and do you expect this to change by September 2024 and if so, why?
We would be grateful if you could take the time to complete the survey, even if you are operating at full capacity and have no vacancies, we would appreciate you making a return as we have been asked to get a response from 100% of our service providers. If you have queries about the survey or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you in advance for your time and cooperation.

Draft Childminding Regulations Consultation
What will childminding look like in the future?
Make sure you have your say over the next week and take part in the consultations on the draft regulations for childminding. The consultations will close on Thursday 2nd May.
Westmeath County Childcare Committee have completed their series of Focus Groups but want to let childminders know that we are here to support anyone who wishes to make an individual submission to the consultation process.
To make a submission. Click on the link below:

Child Safeguarding Training Procedure
Early Learning and Care and School Age Childcare Services are required to have a procedure in place that outlines how all workers and volunteers can access information and training that is relevant to their role in child safeguarding. The National Child Safeguarding Programme have developed the attached poster to support services to develop a Child Safeguarding Information and Training Procedure. It is recommended that this training cycle is completed over a 5 year cycle.
Further information on developing child safeguarding procedures can be found in the Child Safeguarding Resource Document; Guidance for Early Learning and Care and School Age Childcare Services in Ireland and on the National Child Safeguarding Programme website https://childsafeguardingelc.ie/

Covid case advice
Please find below links to information from the HPSC concerning Covid-19 and information from the HSE for ELC and SAC providers on preventing the spread of COVID-19 and children returning to ELC and SAC settings. We would be grateful if you shared this information with parents, guardians, and staff. Preventing the spread of covid 19 in school or childcare – HSE In addition, please find the link to the Management of Infectious Disease in Childcare Facilities and Other Childcare Settings (2012) For general Covid-19 queries you can contact HSE on 1800 700 700 between 8 am and 8 pm Monday to Friday and 9 am – 5 pm Saturday and Sunday or visit the HSE website HSE Covid 19
Should you have any queries on any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0449335454 or info@westmeathchildcare.ie