Setting Up a New Service

We have included information and links below which you may find useful in beginning your journey to setting up a service. 

Setting up a Childcare Service – 
Following topics detailed  at

  1. Getting Started – Research
  2. Determine the legal status of your Early Learning & Care and/or School Age Childcare service
  3. Business Plan
  4. Identify and/or Design a Suitable Premises
  5. Register with Tusla, the Child and Family Agency
  6. Selection and Recruitment of Staff
  7. Implementing Quality Childcare Provision
  8. Areas of Compliance and Inspection



Start Up Quality Support

The staff at Westmeath CCC are available to provide support and information on:

  • Tusla Registration
  • Regulatory Guidance
  • Inspection Support

Contact us on 044 9335454 or

Tusla Early Years Inspectorate

If you are planning to set up a preschool service, you will need to notify the relevant Tusla Early Years Inspector for your area in advance. Here is the list of Early Years Inspectors  

The Tusla documents below provide useful information on registration and compliance with regulations:

The Tusla Registration Q&A document is now available online, it includes questions frequently asked to the Registration Department of Tusla Early Years Inspectorate: these questions relate to new applicants and existing registered providers wishing to make a change to their service.

Tusla Early Years Quality and Regulatory Framework documents were developed to set out in a clear way the requirements for statutory compliance with regulations for registered services, the stakeholders and parents or guardians.

Further information including legislation are available from the DCEDIY & Tusla wesbites:

Start Up Business Support

The staff at Westmeath CCC are available to provide support and information on:

  • Identifying the need for a new setting
  • Business operations and viability
  • DCEDIY Funding programmes available and other funding sources

Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) Childcare Funding Programmes

For information on the various Childcare Funding Programmes available visit the Funding Programmes section of this website. Additional information on the National Childcare Scheme including FAQ’s and information for parents is available on the NCS website: 

Accessing DCEDIY Funding Programmes

The National Childcare Scheme (NCS) or the Early Childhood Care and Education programme (ECCE) are both administered on the Early Years Hive, if you are offering these funding programmes, you will need to complete the on-boarding process first as detailed below:

If you are a new service provider or your service is looking to access the Early Years Hive for the first time, you are required to complete a quick on-boarding process first. To complete this process and create your account, you must enter the following information:

  • Organisation details
  • Service provider details
  • Tusla registration number

You will also be asked to upload a valid copy of your identification to verify who you are. Accepted forms of ID include:

  • Passport
  • Driving licence
  • PSC card
  • National identity Card for EU/EEA/Swiss citizens 

Useful Resources:

If you have any further queries about setting up your service, please contact Westmeath CCC on 044 9335454 or