This week in Childcare

Dear Colleagues,

These are the deadlines, information and announcements for the week of 29th May- 2nd June 2023.


Friday 2nd June

Final Core Funding Review & Confirm window is now open

Tuesday 6th June

Annual Early Years Sector Profile deadline


Annual Early Years Sector Profile

The Annual Early Years Sector Profile 2022/23 survey is currently open and will close on Tuesday 6th June. This survey is mandatory for all services in receipt of Core Funding. Failure to complete it will result in Core Funding payments being placed on hold until the survey has been completed. There is a ‘How to’ Training Video on the Hive to guide you if required.

Core Funding Review & Confirm

The final Review and Confirm window for this programme year has opened, from today until Monday 12th June inclusive. Services must review and confirm their core funding applications if no changes to declare or submit any necessary changes. If a partner service does not complete the final Review and Confirm process within the required timeframe Core Funding payments will be placed on hold until such a time as the process has been completed. To complete the Review and Confirm process your Core Funding Application Module must an ‘Approved’ status. 

For the full Pobal notice please refer to your announcement section on the Hive.

Core Funding Programme 2023/24

Partner services who have completed the June Review and Confirm process will be able to transfer their most recent Core Funding application data into their new Core Funding application for the 2023/24 programme year. Therefore, partner services are encouraged to complete the June Review and Confirm process as soon as possible within the specified timeframe. 

Further information on the Core Funding application process for the 2023/24 programme year will be available in the coming weeks. 

Programme Readiness 1 – CCSP Savers, ECCE & AIM Level 1

The first stage of Programme Readiness 2023-24 for NCS, CCSP Savers, ECCE & AIM Level 1 is available on the Early Years Hive.

There is a new training video available on the Hive in the ‘Recorded Training Webinar’ section at the following link:

Early Years Hive Training Videos

Compliance checks over the summer

Pobal Compliance team will conduct unannounced visits over the summer months to ELC/SAC services whose calendars indicate that they are open during the summer.

Services operating during the summer should ensure that all records relating to all programmes are available for review during such visits. This includes records for programmes that are paused over the summer months e.g. ECCE.  Records that should be available for inspection include all ECCE Roll books /Attendance records, Fee records, Parent declarations etc.

The results of compliance inspections that take place in the last term may be issued to services over the summer months. All non-compliances now require evidence or a declaration that the non-compliance has been rectified within a specific time frame set out by Pobal. If the non-compliance report is issued over the summer months when services are closed the compliance team will allow the provider to return their rectification declaration or evidence within 30 days of the new programme year.

NCS, ECCE and CCSP Compliance Checklists 2022/2023 are available under the Resources /Compliance sections of the Hive. These Checklists will assist in preparing the relevant information that form part of each programme’s compliance checks.

Tusla DLP eLearning Programme

The Tusla DLP eLearning Programme is now live.  This module is designed to support DLP’s and Deputy DLP’s in their safeguarding role. It is universally accessible and can be completed in approximately 90 mins. This module is hosted on the Tusla website. Click here to launch Tusla’s DLP eLearning module: DLP eLearning Programme

Note: There is no certificate available for this eLearning module. For those who require evidence of completion it is suggested that they screenshot the completion-page.

Please note that the DLP eLearning does not replace the Children First Foundation training for DLP’s, it is an add on for those in the DLP role.  The National Child Safeguarding Programme DLP Face to Face training will be available in 2024 and this eLearning module will form part of that training. 

In order to get the full benefit from this module, educators should have already completed the “An Introduction to Children First” eLearning programme, available here: Tusla Children First eLearning

Further to this, there is an eLearning Module available for mandated persons which can be accessed here: Mandated Persons eLearning

Childminding Newsletter

Please find attached the National Action Plan for Childminders (NAPC) Childminding Newsletter for May 23.

National Beep Beep Day 2023 

National Beep Beep Day 2023 will take place on Friday 6th October, during Irish Road Safety Week.

At a later stage you will receive an additional notification outlining when the online ordering facility will be open.  This facility will detail what can be ordered.  It is important that childcare providers place their orders for RSA Beep Beep Day packs without delay to have them in time for National Beep Beep Day. Preschools can order high visibility vests this year as well as Simon and Friends booklets and posters all of which are invaluable when practising basic road safety skills with the children. 

Should you have any queries regarding RSA Beep Beep Day or difficulties, please feel free to email .

Happy Talk Calendar Newsletter – June 2023

The Happy Talk Calendar Newsletter 2023 invites all Happy Talkers to build great communication skills. Every month the Newsletter will include a Rhyme or a Song, a Language Game or Activity, and a Mindful Moment!

The Happy Talk Calendar Newsletters in 2023 will invite you to use the nursery rhyme or song each month as a starting point. Nursery rhymes and songs are a great way to learn lots of early language skills; listening skills, learning new words and building vocabulary, taking turns, telling stories, learning about routines, and learning early literacy skills.

The Happy Talk Calendar Newsletter reminds us to listen, to wait, to pay attention and to take a Mindful Moment to build these skills.

It reminds us to play and sing, laugh and chat, and to be the best Happy Talkers we can be! It encourages early language and literacy skills and provides fun ways to target these goals.

Covid case advice

For general Covid-19 queries you can contact HSE on 1800 700 700 between 8am and 8pm Monday to Friday and 9am – 5pm Saturday and Sunday or visit the HSE website

Should you have any queries on any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0449335454 or

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