ECCE Programme Documents programme year 2023-2024

Form 1 – Qualifications Checklist for New services

This form must be completed by services wishing to participate in the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration, and Youth (DCEDIY) ECCE Childcare Programme. The checklist must be completed and signed by you and your local CCC. Once completed, please attach this check list form to the ECCE Qualifications section of the EY HIVE. Your service will then be set up on the EY HIVE.

Form 2

This form must be completed by services wishing to participate in the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration, and Youth (DCEDIY) Childcare ECCE Programme. The declaration must be completed and signed by the Primary Authorised User (PAU). Once this checklist is completed, please attach this Declaration Form to the ECCE Qualifications section of the EY HIVE. Your service will then be set up on the EY HIVE.

More programme documents and resources can be found here;

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