Dear Colleagues,
Here are the deadlines, important dates, and announcements for the week of 11 – 15 October 2021.
Friday 29 October 2021
- Deadline for backdated graduate LINC additional capitation applications (see below)
Sunday 31 October 2021
- Final date for completion of subsidised FAR training course
Monday 1 November 2021
- Final date for re-registration of ELC services
Tusla re-registration
The deadline for ELC services to complete their registration with Tulsa 1 November – in 10 working days. This deadline will not be extended again. If your submission is not completed by 1 November you risk sanction or restrictions/conditions being attached to your registration.
If you have recently taken over a service and you cannot locate the original submission from the previous owner contact
If you are going back into the Portal to upload documents etc. do not start a new submission. Click into My Submissions, locate your original one and amend that. If you start a new submission, there is no link to your existing one. If you cannot locate/access your original submission contact
The email you have received from Tusla regarding your registration will provide you with the contact details of the person dealing with your submission. That email address will allow you to contact them through the Portal message system. Using the messaging service is Tusla’s preferred method of contact. You don’t have to keep logging in to check for messages, you will receive an email to say that you have a message waiting on the Portal. We have attached the Portal messaging guide for your convenience.
If you are still working on your registration submission, we would urge you to get it completed as quickly as possible.
Higher capitation preliminary payments.
Services who have had their higher capitation application approved, will now be getting payments based on registrations.
If you have submitted an application but it hasn’t yet been approved, you will retain your preliminary payment but won’t receive additional payments until the application is fully processed and approved.
If you received a preliminary payment but have not submitted an application for higher capitation, that preliminary payment will be recouped from the ECCE payment due tomorrow, 15 October.
Budget measures
You will have received a communication from the DCEDIY with some further details regarding the announcement in Tuesday’s budget. We have attached the letter from the Minister and the FAQ document for your convenience.
The measures such as the new core funding stream and the NCS universal payment extension are due to begin in September 2022.
The change to the deduction of preschool (ECCE) and school hours from NCS hours will come into effect in 2022, but as yet there is no date.
PSP payments will open in the summer of 2022 as usual.
The EWSS with the loss of turnover exemption for the sector will remain in place until April 2022.
No further details are available at the moment, but all changes to NCS as well as any new funding streams will be announced in advance of their implementation.
Covid Case Support Helpline
For those services who need support on engaging with the relevant authorities due to a suspected or confirmed case of Covid-19, there is an out of hours helpline. The number is 1800 940 341. The service will be available Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays from 10.00 – 13.00 and 13.30 – 16.00.
Kind regards
Westmeath County Childcare Committee