This Week in Childcare

These are the deadlines, information and announcements for the week of 15th – 19th July 2024


Now Available

Programme Readiness for ECCE, NCS, and CCSP Saver Programme 2024/2025

Application process for the Core Funding 2024/2025 programme

22nd July 2024: AIM Level 1 Applications open for existing graduates

28th July 2024: Deadline for submission of your Core Funding QAP Report 2023/2024


AIM Level 1 Application Process for existing graduates.

Services with existing LINC graduates can apply for AIM Level 1 funding for the 2024/2025 year from Monday 22nd July. Services must have completed ECCE programme readiness steps and activated an ECCE Funding Agreement on HIVE prior to application. New LINC Graduates can apply for AIM Level 1 funding once final exam results have been notified by Mary Immaculate College. AIM Level 1 application guidelines can be found HERE

Copying your 2023/2024 Fee Table

The ability to copy your 2023/2024 Fee Table and use the information for your new 2024/2025 Fee Table is once again available on the Service Fees page of the Early Years Hive.

If you copied your 2023/24 Fee Table before 1.30pm on 28th June 2024, you will need to create a new Fee Table if you want to change your service status on your Fee Table from Approved Provider to Partner Service.  Please note that if you copy your Fee Table, you still need to review each fee option and fee extra and make any required amendments before submitting.

Programme Readiness 2024/2025

The first stage of Programme Readiness for ECCE, NCS and the CCSP Saver Programme 2024/2025 is available on the Early Years Hive.  Guidance on completing programme readiness and activating funding agreements can be found on the Help and support page of the Early Years Hive.

Application Process for Core Funding 2024/2025

The Core Funding application process for the 2024/2025 programme year is available on the Early Years Hive. Your service Profile must be up to date before completing the core funding application for 2024/2025. Once the 2024/2025 application has been submitted, there is a 21-day window to activate the Core Funding Partner Service Funding Agreement. Further information can be found here.

Core Funding Quality Action Plan Report 2023/ 2024

All Core Funding Partner Services are required to complete a Quality Action Plan Report and upload the saved PDF report to the HIVE for validation. Please click on the link below to complete and generate your Core Funding Quality Action Plan Report. The closing date for receipt of submissions is the 28th of July 2024.

Complete QAP form –

Fee Increase Assessment and Approval Process

DCEDIY communication attached which issued a short time ago to service providers informing them of the recent announcement regarding updates to the Fee Increase Approval Process for Core Funding 2024/2025.

Please submit queries in relation to Fee Review Process 2024 to and all queries will be dealt with in rotation by a staff member of Weatmeath CCC.

Equal Start Model

Equal Start is the new model of Government-funded supports to ensure children experiencing disadvantage can access and meaningfully participate in early learning and childcare. More information can be found here

Tusla Website: Childminding Webpage

Tusla has updated the childminding section of their website to reflect the changes to the childminding sector under the National Action Plan for Childminding (NAPC).  Click here for further information.

Are you having difficulty finding suitably qualified staff to fill your vacancies? 

Join us on 20th of Aug 24 at 14.00pm to find out how the FREE EU recruitment service provided by EURES Ireland, which is part of the Department of Social Protection, can help you. Not only can we help you to find well qualified candidates in other EU countries, but EURES also has access to funding to assist them to relocate to take up a job offer in Ireland.

The Department of Social Protection also has a range of services and financial supports available to employers recruiting candidates living in Ireland. Register for this free team’s event to find out more.

Bookings through Eventbrite

Child Safeguarding Training Procedure

Early Learning and Care and School Age Childcare Services are required to have a procedure in place that outlines how all workers and volunteers can access information and training that is relevant to their role in child safeguarding.  The National Child Safeguarding Programme have developed the attached poster to support services to develop a Child Safeguarding Information and Training Procedure.  It is recommended that this training cycle is completed over a 5 year cycle. 

Further information on developing child safeguarding procedures can be found in the Child Safeguarding Resource Document; Guidance for Early Learning and Care and School Age Childcare Services in Ireland and on the National Child Safeguarding Programme website

Covid case advice

Please see below links to relevant information:

Preventing the spread of covid 19 in school or childcare – HSE

Management of Infectious Disease in Childcare Facilities and Other Childcare Settings (2012) 

General Covid-19 queries:  Contact HSE on 1800 700 700 between 8 am and 8 pm Monday to Friday and 9 am – 5 pm Saturday and Sunday / HSE Covid 19

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