The Fee Table and Parent Statement for the 2023/2024 programme year

Dear Service Provider,

As previously communicated, you are only required to create one Fee Table on the Early Years Hive for the 2023/2024 programme year instead of a separate Fees List for each programme.

You are also only required to created and provide one Parent Statement for the parent/guardian of each child in your service to sign.

The new Fee Table and Parent Statement will be available to complete on the Early Years Hive from 1 August.


Guidance documents on how to create and submit your Fee Table and Parent Statement will be available in the Help & Support section on Hive from 1 August.


Training on the Fee Table and Parent Statement is being held on 28, 31 July and 1 August. Please see previous announcement posted on Friday 21 July for more information.

Kind regards,
The Early Years Team

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