Setting Up a Childminding Service

Are you interested in running a Childminding Service?

If a you are interested in becoming a childminder Westmeath CCC provides a number of supports such as training and networking events, 

  • Setting Up your service
  • Policies and Procedures
  • as well as funding opportunities and ongoing supports.  

The Child Care (Amendment) Act 2024 has brought about a number of changes to key pieces of legislation relating to early years services
in Ireland. This following 
amendment to the Children First Act will commence on 30th September 2024.

  • A childminding service involves an individual taking care, by themself, of children under the age of 15 years, for payment, in the childminder’s home.
  • A childminder is self-employed and provides a paid childcare service for a minimum of 2 hours a day in their own home.
  • If you are employed by a child’s parents and you look after the child/children in their home, you cannot register as a childminder.
  • If you only mind children who are closely related to you, e.g. your grandchildren or nieces/nephews, you do not need to register as a childminder.

See new Regulations and Explanatory Guidance below: 


Under the new Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) (Childminding Services) Regulations 2024 all childminders must register with Tusla.

To register with Tusla you must have the following documents:

  • Garda Vetting & Police clearance for the childminder & emergency cover person/s
  • Two references
  • Proof of identity
  • Copy of insurance certificate
  • Certificates for Pre-Registration Training, First Aid training and Children First Training
  • Certificates for Pre-Registration Training, First Aid training and Children First Training
For further information about the regulations see 

The Childminding pre-registration training is a mandatory course for anyone who intends to register with Tusla for a childminding service.

To take this training course you must be:

  • 18 years old or over
  • Self-employed and providing a paid childcare service in your own home
  • Either currently working as a childminder and intending to register with Tusla, or Intending to work as a childminder and register with Tusla

If you are unsure as to whether or not you are eligible to register with Tusla, contact your local Childminding Development Officer for information and support.

The aim of the training programme is to help you:

  • Understand the new childminding regulations.
  • Apply the regulations to your childminding practice.
  • Understand the Tusla registration process for childminders.
  • Understand the documentation required to register with Tusla.
  • Access supports and resources.

Benefits of Becoming a Childminder

If you enjoy working with children, why not consider becoming a Childminder?

Childminding can offer you an opportunity to: 

  • Earn a living by caring for other people’s children in your own home
  • Become self-employed
  • Offer the National Childcare Scheme (NCS)
  • Stay at home and care for your own children as well as caring for others
  • Avail of the Childcare Services Relief with Revenue
  • Avail of information, networking and training supports from your local County Childcare Committee (CCC)
  • Access the Childminding Development Grant and other funding opportunities
  • Meet other Childminders in your area and get to know your local community 

Childminding Registration Process


Support & Resources for childminders

First 5

The First 5 website provides childminders with specific childminding resources, it also has other Practice Support sections.

  • Covid-19 Guidance childminding section included here
  • Pre-School at Home
  • Practitioners

It’s important all childminders routinely view the website as it is updated regularly with government advice and resources.  There will be new resources e.g. Tip sheets, posters. Ensure you are aware of the most recent updates to the Childminding section.

Child Protection and Welfare

It is important to note that all Tusla registered Childminders must have Garda Vetting, but best practice is that all Childminders and your emergency backup contact should be Garda Vetted.
This service is free unless you have lived in other countries for more than 6 months.

To apply for Garda Vetting, contact Barnardos’Vetting Service directly: Phone: 021 4547060 Email:

National Child Safeguarding Programme

Childminding Ireland provides a childminding specific insurance package