Sector Engagement for Independent Financial Review of Sessional Services

Dear Service Provider,

The Department has commissioned Frontier Economics to complete an independent financial review of sessional early learning and childcare services in Q1 of 2023.

The accompanying links provide further context regarding this review and outline what will be expected of services who volunteer to participate in this review. Services which are registered and operate as Early Years Sessional Services and wish to participate in this independent review should complete and return this this completed Expression of Interest form to by 5pm on Wednesday 8th February.

Please find below the links to an explanatory presentation of this review by Frontier Economics and a letter from the Department that provides further context for this review.

The Department would like to take this opportunity to encourage sessional services to express their interest in participation in this review which will provide critical information and evidence to underpin developments to our schemes and policies.

Best wishes,

ELC and SAC Division

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