Please Read Important Announcement Update to NCS Awards

Dear Service Provider,

Thank you for your valued participation in the National Childcare Scheme (NCS), which is now supporting more than 50,000 children and their families nationally with the cost of early learning and childcare. 

As you know, to determine eligibility for, and the value of, income-assessed subsidies under the NCS, family income can be assessed automatically using information provided by Revenue and the Department of Social Protection. The majority of families applying for an income-assessment subsidy opt for this automatic assessment during the application process.

Unfortunately, owing to an issue with Pay Related Social Insurance (PRSI) information provided directly from Revenue in 2020 and early 2021, a number of income-assessed awards were incorrectly calculated.

As a result, NCS subsidies awarded to some families were incorrectly allocated. It has been identified that a percentage of families received either a lower or higher payment based on the information received. We can confirm the differences were generally small discrepancies and the majority of subsidies awarded to families during this period were not impacted.

Over the coming weeks, Pobal will be following up directly with families impacted by this issue and will make the necessary adjustment to their NCS subsidies.

Pobal will automatically apply these changes, Early Learning and Care services do not need to make any system amendments and will not be asked to complete a registration process. There is no requirement to recalculate co-payment on awards that have been overpaid or under-calculated, as all corrected awards have since expired.  Pobal will contact families in your service who were impacted, with instructions of any actions necessary.   NCS payments will continue to flow without interruption.

It is also important to note that Service Providers will not be required to undertake any management of historical issues from any overpayment or under-claim. Service Providers will not be requested to recoup or offset monies.  Payments will be managed by Pobal in conjunction with families.  Underpaid families can receive a payment, and overpayments will not be recouped.

Should any of the families in your service need additional assistance, please direct parents and guardians to the NCS Parents Support Centre in Pobal, which is open Monday to Friday, 9:00am – 5:00pm: 01 9068530

Thank you again for your support of the National Childcare Scheme (NCS). We look forward to continuing to work with you in supporting children and families access affordable and high quality early learning and childcare. 

Click here for an FAQ which contains more information on this NCS award update for service providers

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