Dear Colleagues,
Here are the deadlines, important dates, and announcements for the week of 6 – 10 December 2021.
Friday 7 January 2022
- Final application date for Improved ventilation grant (see below for details).
Grant programme for improved ventilation 2021
Yesterday, the Minister announced a grant for the improvement of ventilation in ELC/SAC services, and you were sent details by email.
The grant you receive will be based on the number of children registered in a funding scheme at your service on 24 November. We have attached a copy the application guidelines for your convenience.
The application process is very simple, it is on the Hive under Available programme applications. Once you have ticked the Ventilation grant, the start button will appear for you to begin the process. You have to confirm your organisation details, confirm your bank details (both prepopulated), and finally confirm that you agree with the funding agreement before submitting. We have attached the step-by-step guide for your convenience.
You will receive 100% of the grant within 10 days of submission with the first payment issuing on 24 December and weekly after that.
As many of us have no experience with the purchasing of air cleaning equipment, there is also a guide to buying and maintaining an air cleaner attached to this email.
Antigen testing.
Earlier in the week the DCEDIY sent out details regarding the roll-out of an antigen testing programme for the early years. The testing should only be done on children aged 4 years and over. This has been based on clinical advice. Correspondence regarding antigen testing should be sent out to children in a pod with a child who has been confirmed to have Covid 19.
If the children are showing symptoms, they should not be attending.
We have attached copies of the correspondence for your convenience.
Big Start survey
The Big Start Early Years Professionals’ Survey 2021 is now live. This annual survey asks managers and educators what are the big issues facing you and your service.
It takes just 4 minutes to complete and you all are entered into a draw for €100.
Minister’s message of thanks
Earlier in the week, the DCEIDY sent out a link to a video message from Minister O’Gorman thanking you for all your hard work. The video can be found here.
The last bulletin
This is the last bulletin of 2021. We will be closing at 5 p.m. on Thursday 23 December and reopening on Tuesday 4 January.
It has been another hard year of uncertainties. Once again, you have knocked 2021 out of the park. You have dealt with every issue and problem and have kept the sector open, providing much needed childcare for the children of the County.
It really has been our pleasure to work with you all. On behalf of the Board and staff of Westmeath County Childcare Committee we would like to extend our warmest season’s greetings to you, your staff, children and families and look forward to working with you all again in 2022.