Newsletter week ending 11/02/2022

Dear Colleagues,
Here are the deadlines, important dates, and announcements for the week of 7 – 11 February 2022.


Friday 11th February 2022 TODAY

Closing date for new registrations for package one of LINC+

Friday 18 February 2022

Community service Financial and Impact Returns December 2021 (see below for details)


Community Service FIRs

The deadline for the completion of the December FIRs has been extended to 5 p.m. on Friday 18 February.

If you require any assistance in completing the return please complete a service request on the HIVE, selecting the FIRs as the category and sub-category of the request.

Pop-up learning event
Earlier this week, you received information from the DCEDIY about a new active learning opportunity happening next week.
This event offers the chance for you to collaborate with other early years colleagues on problem solving. If this session appeals to you, there is the chance to participate in ongoing learning over the next six months.
There are three on-line events:
Tuesday 15 February     16.30 – 17.45
Wednesday 16 February 10.00 – 11.15 or 14.00 – 15.15
To register your interest in one of these sessions please email
To find out more about the What Works initiative click here.

Staff shortages and force majeure

If you need to apply for force majeure due to Covid-related staff shortages, remember:

Staff only need to isolate or restrict their movements if:

  • They have symptoms
  • Have a positive antigen/PCR test
  • They have been identified as a close contact by the HSE and have symptoms

If they have been identified as a close contact by the HSE but are asymptomatic and have not received their booster vaccine or have not had Covid in the past three months (regardless of first vaccine status).

Always check the above with the latest information on the HSE website.

Proof of Covid-related absences should be submitted with the application and a copy kept for compliance.

Reporting Concerns Form and INFO BLAST
As you are aware, the Child Safeguarding Resource Document – Child Safeguarding Statement, Policy and Procedures; Guidance for Early Learning and Care and School Aged Childcare Services in Ireland, contains the Recording Concerns Form, which is a standardised form that can be used in ELC and SAC services to record child safeguarding concerns.

In order to support services to use this form, a Recording Concern Form Info Blast has been developed which can be accessed at the links below, along with the Recording Concerns Form.

You will find these on the National Child Safeguarding Programme website and in particular the

Info Blast Section of the website:

Resources’ section of the website:

Also, for your information, the Child Safeguarding Resource Document – Child Safeguarding Statement, Policy and Procedures; Guidance for Early Learning and Care and School Aged Childcare Services in Ireland has been replaced on the website with a PDF version, allowing users to use the ‘ctrl search’ function

Have a lovely weekend 😊

Westmeath County Childcare Committee

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