You are invited to attend training on the NCS Compliance Process 2024/2025.
The training has been scheduled for the following dates and times:
- Monday 16 September 2024 at 10am and 6.30pm
- Tuesday 17 September 2024 at 2.30pm.
The training will cover NCS compliance checks for 2024/2025.
Please see below the links to register with Go to Webinar.
NCS Compliance 2024/2025 Session 1
16 September at 10am
NCS Compliance 2024/2025 Session 2
16 September at 6.30pm
NCS Compliance 2024/2025 Session 3
17 September at 2.30pm
Please note: Each session will cover the same training content.
A recording of the training will be made available on the Early Years Hive along with the PowerPoint slides once the training has been completed.
We kindly ask that questions asked on the day are kept to the NCS Compliance 2024/2025 topic.
Pobal Compliance & Early Years Teams