Dear Service Providers,
The Department of Children, Equality, Disabilities, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) wish to inform all Early Learning and Care (ELC) and School Aged Care (SAC) service providers that the HSE are supporting DCEDIY to provide antigen test kits for asymptomatic children and staff who are in the same pod as a confirmed Covid-19 case, as an additional measure to combat Covid-19.
The programme will launch on Wednesday, 15 December. Full details will issue to all providers by e-mail later today and a letter will be provided for you to give to parents and staff in a pod with a positive case. The letter includes a Freephone number of the antigen test distribution centre as well as an online application link. In order for the request to be processed you will need to provide parents/staff with a Tusla number for your service. This can be found on the Tusla Register for Preschools and on the Tusla Register for School Age Childcare. Parents cannot apply without the services Tusla number.
A separate dedicated letter for parents’/guardians’ information will be included which should be forwarded by e-mail to all parents/guardians utilising your service. DCEDIY would appreciate if services can print this letter if e-mail is not possible or refer parents to the First 5 website.
It is important to note that the HSE distribution centre will not be able to process requests for antigen test kits for ELC/SAC services until 15 December, and parents and staff should not call the number before Wednesday to request testing kits.
The antigen testing programme is not mandatory and is at the discretion of staff members and children’s parents/guardians. Under no circumstances should an ELC/SAC service keep any records related to children’s participation in the antigen testing programme or share details that may identify the child with the positive result. No asymptomatic child should be denied access to the ELC/SAC if they choose not to avail of the voluntary antigen testing programme.
From 15th December, Service Providers seeking information on the rollout of this programme can contact the Pobal Early Years Provider Centre directly by telephone on 01- 5117222 or by raising a service request on Hive using the following categories:
• Programme: Covid 19 Supports
• Request Type: Antigen Testing
• Request Type: Details: General
Thank you for your support in implementing these new measures.