Dear Service Provider,
The Review and Confirm window closed on Friday 7 April 2023.
It is important to note that although the window has now closed, services who have not yet completed the Review and Confirm are still required to complete the process and the Review and Confirm form will remain open on the Early Years Hive.
Please note: Core Funding payments will be placed on hold until such a time as the process is completed. However, once your Review and Confirm is approved, Partner Services will receive payment on the next available catch-up payment.
Core Funding applications/application changes must be at an Approved status prior to completing the Review and Confirm form.
If your previous application/application change is at “Approved” and you have an application change at a “Draft” status you must abandon the draft application prior to completing the Review and Confirm form.
If an application is at “Referred back” Service Providers are required to submit an application change to rectify the refer back reason outlined. Once the application change is approved, you must then proceed to complete the Review & Confirm form.
To support services in completing a Review & Confirm form, a detailed guidance document and new tailored training videos are available here.