Core Funding Ready Reckoner – Links to Register for Webinars

Dear Service Provider,

 You are invited to attend Webinar Training to demonstrate the Core Funding Ready Reckoner tool and how to use it.

Topics covered in the webinar will include:

  1.       Introduction to Core Funding
  2.       Service-level use of the Ready Reckoner
  3.       Session-level use of the Ready Reckoner
8th March 202209:30am-11amClick Here 
8th March 20226:15pm-7:45pmClick Here
9th March 20222:30pm-4pmClick Here  

Note: Please only register for one webinar as there is maximum capacity of 500 per session.

A recording will be made available on the Early Years Hive once the live sessions have been completed.

The Early Years Team

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