Core Funding – 2022/2023 Programme Year

Dear Service Provider,

The 2022/2023 programme year ends on the 31 August 2023. We advise all Service Providers to ensure their 2022/2023 programme year Core Funding Application Modules are up to date so any final payments can be made where applicable.

Review and Confirm:

Service Providers who have not completed the June Review and Confirm are required to do so by the 31 August 2023 otherwise their Core Funding Application Module will be declined and where appropriate funding paid will be recouped.

Update due date:

Core Funding Application Modules with a retrospective update due date are required to take the necessary action on HIVE to reflect a replacement staff member or reduction in capacity.

Allocations dated after the update due date will not be eligible for payment until an application change to reflect a replacement staff member or reduction in capacity is approved. Where required, catch-up payments will be made once an application change has been approved.   

A staff member should only be end dated by the service if that member of staff has ceased employment.

Application Changes:

Application changes functionality is available until 30 September 2023 for the 2022/2023 programme year to allow Service Providers time to finalise and make any necessary changes to their 2022/2023 Application Module.

To support services in completing the above areas, a detailed guidance document and tailored training video is available on HIVE here.

As the programme year for 2023/2024 is due to commence we wish you, your children and families all the best for the year ahead.

Best wishes,
The Early Years Team

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