Dear Service Provider,
In November, a new co-payment tool was launched on the Early Years Hive. You can access the co-payment tool under individual child registrations for ECCE and NCS by expanding the yellow dropdown arrow on the registration and selecting ‘Co-payment Tool’.
The co-payment tool:
• Helps providers with calculating a parent’s co-payment amount for registrations/payments for ECCE and NCS.
• Provides the ability to export the calculated co-payment details into Excel. The following resources have been added to the Hive to support you with using the co-payment tool:
• The ‘Co-payment and the Co-payment tool’ section of the NCS Fees List guide has been expanded to include the co-payment tool.
• A new guidance document with 6 case studies for using the co-payment tool is available on this page.
• A new section on the co-payment tool had been added to the NCS FAQ.
Thank you,
Early Years Team