A Guide to Services for Young People with Disabilities

Westmeath and Longford County Childcare Committees compiled this directory in collaboration with Longford Westmeath Children and Young Peoples Services Committee, to provide information and supports to parents, guardians and services who are caring for or educating a child or young person aged 0-24 years with special needs.

Sourcing information is a difficult task regarding all aspects of disability. The ultimate goal of this Directory of Services is to empower and signpost people to information and supports.

This is the fourth update of this Directory and is a collaboration in the truest of senses. Work has been completed on this project by Angela Locke-Reilly our researcher. Volunteer time has been given by many organisations to include their information, parents, early years’ professionals as well as Special Educational Needs teachers have all be consulted as part of the process to ensure this document is fit for purpose.

This resource is available free of charge by using the QR Code attached, and a number of hard copies will be printed for use by parents and early years’ services professionals. 

At the time of going to print every effort was made to ensure that all information within was current and correct. However if you have suggestions for additions, alterations or amendments please do not hesitate to contact us at Westmeath County Childcare Committee.

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