Dear Service provider,
Following on from our save the date email regarding the Equal Participation Model workshops, please find the registration information regarding the series of consultation workshops below.
The main objectives of the workshops are to:
– Engage with key stakeholders to shape and inform the design of the model
– Understand the issues and challenges facing children experiencing disadvantage
– Identify the barriers faced by children and their families to accessing and participating in ELC/SAC
– Develop possible supports that could be provided to children, parents and childcare services through EPM
It is our hope that we would be able to gather the views and opinions of those who work directly with the children and their families who may experience disadvantage. Therefore it is vital for ELC/SAC educators working and supporting the children and their families on a daily basis.
As we are trying to encourage wide participation from a variety of organisations and backgrounds, a maximum of 2 registration places per organisation/service will be accepted. Depending on the number of organisations who wish to participate, we may only be able to accept one person per service.
We would be grateful if you could send someone along, as part of their working day, from your early years team to participate. The workshops are scheduled to take place in person on 18th April, 25th April and 16th May from 10am to 4pm in the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth,
Miesian Plaza, 50-58 Baggot Street Lower, Dublin 2, D02 XW14.
Please register all participants for each service in one email, where possible. Although we cannot guarantee more than one place per organisation/service at this time, we will do our best to facilitate all participants who wish to be involved, within the spirit of wide representation. We will respond within 2 days of the registration closing to advise on final participants.
Please respond via email to with the below registration details and any dietary requirements by COB Tuesday 4th April.
Organisation/Service name:
Participant name:
Job title:
Email address:
Dietary requirements:
An agenda will be shared when registration is confirmed.