Newsletter week ending 25 March 2022

Dear Colleagues,  

These are the deadlines, important dates, and announcements for the week 21st -25th March 2022. 

Deadlines/Important Dates 

4th April 2022 

  • Services are invited to submit an application on the early Years Hive to apply for the Transition Fund (see below for details) 

Friday 8th April 2022  

  • Applications for Linc Programme 2022/2023 are now open and will close on 8th April (see below for details)   

Friday 6th May 2022 

  • Closing date for the public consultation of the Early Years Services Regulations (see below for details) 

For your information: 

Ukrainian Crisis Response 

To support Ukrainian families arriving in Ireland DCEDIY have asked the CCC’s to gather information from childcare services regarding available childcare spaces. This will help decide where families with young children will be housed. We have sent every service in Westmeath County a spreadsheet requesting information about your service capacity and available space. If you have not already done so, can you please complete the spreadsheet and return it to us at as soon as possible.  

We will continue to contact you over the coming weeks, as available childcare spaces may change, and we will be required to provide weekly updates to DCEDIY on these changes. We really appreciate your support in this matter to help Irelands overall response to this humanitarian crisis.  

Review of Early Years Services Regulations  

Minister Roderic O’Gorman has announced the launch of a consultation seeking public views on the Early Years Services Regulations 2016. You are invited to submit your views by completing an ‘online survey,’ or you can provide more detailed feedback by completing the ‘submissions template’ online. The public consultation will be open for 6 weeks. The closing date is 6th May 2022.  

For more information and to access the survey and submissions template please click here  

The ‘Press Release’ is attached for your perusal also.  

Core Funding 

DCEDIY have announced the new Core Funding stream for Early Learning & Care and SAC services for September 2022. The tool available to help services calculate how much funding their service could receive is called the Ready Reckoner. This is available on the Early Years Hive or by clicking here  Service providers are encouraged to input their service details into the Ready Reckoner. You will require the number of open hours and weeks, number of children in each age range (the number of children is based on service capacity rather than attendance levels) and staff / manager qualification level. The Ready Reckoner tool will then give an indication of potential funding allocated to the service.  

DCEDIY have included a FAQ document detailing information in relation to Core Funding and the Ready Reckoner. For your convenience, the FAQ document is attached and can also be found on the Early Years Hive.  

Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS) 

A reminder that the EWSS will cease at the end of April. There will be a Transition Fund to provide financial support to Early Learning & Care (ELC) and School Age Childcare (SAC) services in the period from May until Core Funding is implemented in September. 

Transition Fund 

The Transition Fund will be paid to services for weeks open between 2nd May and 29th August 2022. To be eligible for the Transition Fund services must be registered with Tusla, must be in contract for at least one of the DCEDIY funding programmes and must agree not to increase parent fees above those charged in September 2021. 

The Transition Fund will be calculated based on 7% of income capacity. From 4th April services will be asked to complete a simple application on the Early Years Hive to submit the services open weeks. Payments will be made from the end of April and thereafter will be made monthly in advance for open weeks.  

For more information and to view the full announcement please log on to the Early Years Hive.  

AIM 2021-2022 and EWSS Reminder 

For any service who has an approved level 7 AIM application but is using EWSS to fund the additional staff member and wishes to change over to AIM funding you must give Pobal at least 10 days’ notice before the date you wish to reinstate the AIM funding.  

To reinstate AIM funding providers are asked to submit a service request on the Early Years Hive with ‘AIM Funding’ in the subject line. For further information on the full process please check the full announcement on the Early Years Hive. 

For services who did not submit an AIM application as you were availing of EWSS to increase staff levels in the preschool room to meet the needs of a child/ren who may be eligible for Level 7 AIM funding it is advisable to make the AIM application as soon as possible.  

AIM Refresher Webinar  

The Early Years Training Team in Pobal delivered an AIM Refresher Webinar which ran on 3 different dates during March. For anyone who missed the webinar there will be a recording available on the Early Years Hive.   

LINC Programme 2022/2023  

Applications for the LINC programme are now open and will close on Friday 8th April 2022 

LINC are holding information sessions on the following dates.  

  • Monday 28th March at 1pm 
  • Monday 4th April at 7pm 
  • Wednesday 6th April at 1pm 

To register to take part in one, or for more information on the LINC Programme please access the LINC website here 

Tusla Introduction to Children First E-Learning  

We would like to ask services to encourage all staff members to complete the ‘Introduction to Children First E-Learning programme.’ The online programme takes approximately 1.5 hours to complete and will produce a certificate. It is recommended that the course is completed every year or two to refresh knowledge and understanding. It is vitally important all staff know how to recognise and respond to child protection and welfare concerns. 

The E-Learning programme is available on the Tusla website Here  

Tusla Children First: Mandated Person Role and Responsibilities eLearning Module 

Tusla have recently developed an eLearning module to continue the learning journey of the mandated person. It is recommended that the mandated person firstly complete the Tusla Children First eLearning Programme (described above) as an introduction to Children First and to the role of the mandated person. The new Mandated Persons eLearning module has been developed to provide further information on the role and responsibilities of mandated persons as outlined in the Children First Act 2015. This eLearning module will take approximately 60 minutes to complete and can be accessed  here or through the Tusla website. 

Better Start Quality Development Service 

Better Start Quality Development Service have organised information webinars with ELC settings.  

You are invited to join the webinar to hear about the Quality Development Service and how Better Start can work with your setting to help improve quality.  

There is one date remaining: 

April 27th 3pm to 4pm         Webinar ( 

Better Start are continuing to take applications for the Quality Development Service. Any queries you have may be sent to Better Start via email   

Further information is available on the website under Training and Events. 

Tusla – Early Years Resources 

Tusla have added some new resources and information to their website. These include governance and safeguarding webinars, Feedback and Concerns eLearning course, and a leaflet on EY Inspections. Please see poster attached. 

Covid case advice 

There are two national helplines for services. The HSE dedicated number for ELC/SAC services who have confirmed Covid-19 cases is 01 511 9777. 

The national support helpline operates at weekends and bank holidays only. 

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