Tusla Mandated Person Role and Responsibility eLearning Module

Tusla have launched a new eLearning module for mandated persons. This eLearning module has been developed to provide information on, and an understanding of, the role and responsibilities of mandated persons as outlined in the Children First Act 2015.

The key learning outcomes of the Tusla Mandated Person Role and Responsibility eLearning Module for the learner are to:

1) Understand mandated persons legal responsibilities.

2) Be aware of the definitions and thresholds for mandated and non-mandated reports.

3) Know how to make a report to Tusla.

4) Understand mandated assisting and the process involved.

5) Understand the mandated persons role to liaise and communicate with Tusla.

This eLearning module will take the participant approximately 60 minutes to complete. You can access this module either here or through the Tusla website.

As this eLearning module was developed to continue the learning journey of the mandated person, we recommend that the mandated person firstly complete the Tusla Children First eLearning Programme as an introduction to Children First and to the role of the mandated person. The mandated person and all other staff, workers and volunteers may also wish to avail of the National Approach to Practice Signs of Safety briefing.

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