Invitation: SIPTU Early Years Survey Launch

A Chara,

I would like to invite you to the launch of the annual SIPTU Early Years Professionals’ Survey.

The virtual launch will be held on Wednesday, 9th February at 11:00am.

If you would like to attend, please register using the link below.

SIPTU’s Early Years Professionals’ Survey Launch (

This research was conducted by Dr Amy Greer Murphy and will be launched by Prof Nóirín Hayes.

Deborah Reynolds, Chairperson of the SIPTU National Early Years Committee will discuss the first-hand experience of Early Years Educators.

The results reveal the pay, conditions and key issues of those working in the Early Years Sector, including the impact of low pay and the staffing crisis.

A link to the event will be emailed to all registered attendees on the morning of the event. I hope you can make it.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported today’s #ValueEarlyYears virtual day of action to recognise the vital role of Early Years Educators throughout the pandemic.

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