Dear Provider,
As communicated previously, Ireland is participating in the 2024 OECD Starting Strong Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS Starting Strong). This is the first international survey of its kind in Ireland. It will provide early years educators and managers with an opportunity to share insights on their:
- Professional development
- Pedagogical beliefs and practices
- Working conditions
- Other leadership, management and workplace issues.
This month, the CSO will begin contacting selected servicesto gather a sample that is representative of the wider sector.
If your service is selected, you will receive a detailed information pack from the CSO, including a ‘listing form’, which needs to be completed and returned. This form will ask you to provide details of all early years educators and managers in your setting who either:
- regularly work with children under three (U3)
- regularly work with children aged three to school age (ISCED 02)
A sample of early years educators and managers from each of these groups will be invited to complete an online survey between February and April 2024.
The information you provide will help us to support the working conditions and training needs of early years educators and managers and build the overall quality of the workforce.
Those selected to participate can access support from the CSO, using the contact details provided below:
Gemma O’Connell Duff: Telephone: (+353) 21 453 5110. Email:
Further information on TALIS Starting Strong can be found at
Listing forms can be returned via email to or by post in the paid return envelope to: Director General, Central Statistics Office, Skehard Road, Business Reply, Cork, T12 X00E
Early Years Division